The first anime series based on the Dota 2 universe, DOTA: Dragon’s blood was released today in the morning. This is a remarkable event for the popular MOBA game and we could not miss this event.
Valve finally decided to take the question of the Defense of the Ancients’ lore seriously and introduce it to a wider audience. It seems that Valve was tired of cosplaying From Software with their narrative approach of creating stories around the general basis of the world, so they hired Ashley Miller as a writer and asked him to make an understandable story, which sometimes creates even more questions than provides answers.
It has definitely been made to attract new players but it is difficult to get rid of the old habits. Valve could not leave us without easter eggs and put a few obvious (and some too obvious) hints about the future of the game in Dragon’s blood.
Now, I am talking about the characters who will 100% join the list of the playable Dota 2 heroes soon.
Disclaimer: you will see spoilers about the recently-released anime series DOTA: Dragon’s blood below, so we recommend you to watch the project before reading the material, and only then, it is worth returning and leave your outrage in the comments. My conscience is clear now, so we can continue.
Yes, the headline is too big but it is clear that the elf Fymryn will become a playable hero. A few factors prove it.
Fymryn is one of the key characters in the anime series DOTA: Dragon’s blood, a big part of the screen time is dedicated to her.
Despite Fymryn being a secondary character, the key conflict of the anime series is built around her. If she had not stolen the holy lotus flowers from the Silver forest and came to Invoker, there would have been no exile of Mirana and Luna’s bloody marches and Selemine would have continued enjoying the fanatic loyalty and love of her flock.
Another big argument in the favor of the theory that Fymryn is the next Dota 2 hero is her skills.
In Dragon’s blood, the elf’s skills are demonstrated in detail, showing her as a special one and paying attention to it. I do not think that we were watching her «leaving in the shadows» and the skill to create clones for no reason.
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However, if the next playable hero is not Fymryn, it will definitely be her main enemy – the goddess of the dark moon Selemene.